In the half-light, a 70-metre-long metal and glass structure reflected a muted atmosphere. Then phrases appeared, like solemn slogans of protest: “May the building of a strong mind and a strong body be the greatest work I have ever made.” Between those words, a young woman stepped forward and placed herself inside them. A sculptural and athletic figure, she carried a bow and a quiver. Slowly, with precision and accuracy, she let fly an arrow. The audience held its breath. It streaked across the space and struck true, piercing a drawing of an eye. The archer smiled. The show could commence. Imperturbable amid the all-conquering looks by Creative Director Maria Grazia Chiuri for the Dior spring-summer 2025 women’s ready-to-wear collection, the Amazon continued her act, each time hitting her target in a hypnotic choreography of gestures. |